Docta Ignorantia IV

Over the Horizon

By David R. Graham

The following are coming into view and appear important enough to share with you.

1- Humanity and indeed the entire Nature (Logos) is on the verge of a Golden Era of love and laughter, peace and prosperity, which, in principle, has commenced. Those who love God and treasure Dharma (Righteousness, Zedekah) may beat the victory drum. The reason is the prayers of Saints and Sages, the which have brought our Lord very near to the human condition and, currently, to sharing it.

2- Within the next two or at most three generations, the human population of the globe will diminish by half or two thirds from what it is now. The reason is latent pandemics resulting from unrelieved African bestiality seconded by extensive lack of hygiene in practically every area of the globe.

3- Within one generation a horrific war will be fought against China in which China will be defeated and anti-Dharma, China its source and leader, suppressed for the duration of the Golden Era.

4- Adherents of the Bahá'í Faith will build magnificent, inspiring prayer halls for adherents of all religions in each of the leadership cities of the globe. These will be the visible evidence of the New World Order of which President Bush spoke. The procreative vital principle (Bergson's élan vital) is with the Bahá'ís. Within the next 25 years, Bahá'ís will replace Anglicans as the primary substance of the skeletal support of the leadership cadre of world culture. The Bahá'í Faith is an upsurge of the same Stream of Sacred Sweetness that produced Christianity and the Anglican Communion. That Stream (élan vital) is the Solar Dynasty of India, represented in the Christian orbit by Jesus and the Templars.

Bahá'ís are committed to unity, intelligence and morality. They give young people hope. Bahá'í exegesis of Christian Scripture is superior to any currently fashionable among the Christian Churches.

Bahá'ís are aware that this world belongs to God. They show the insignificance of faction. Women's libs, homosexuals, racial partisans, political parties ... the Bahá'í Faith makes all of that fall apart.

Bahá'ís understand Islam and can deal with its heresies, which threaten Christian Culture, Democracy and Expansion. They are qualified, therefore, to lead Christian Culture against those heresies. Christians don't understand Muslim heresies and in consequence are prone to the weakness of indiscriminating between genuine Muslims and ersatz. Christians' indiscrimination regarding Muslims causes them to act stupidly, as during the later Crusades and, more recently, the Vatican's (Anti-Christ's) murderous distemper towards Bosnia-Herzigovina.

5- Bahá'í leadership will result in commercial activity sustained by traditional virtues rather than by selfish interest, which is anti-economic (economos is Greek for building up) and, therefore, destructive. Commerce will be happy and prosperous under Bahá'í leadership, performing its intended supporting role rather than pretending to the central role, which for humankind is the spiritual one.

Adwaitha Hermitage
August 5, 1996


Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland) Theological Geography