Reminiscences from the North Sea

David and Mary Graham


Reminiscences from the North Sea is a presentment of hymns, essays, drawings and paintings treating of matters theological. The dates of composition range from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s. The subjects vary but focus on reconstructing Christian theological insight in the light of events unexpected (paradoxa), such as the presences in the historical stream of Baha'u'llah, Sai Baba of Shirdi and Swami Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. One God, One World, One Race, One Caste is the theme of this presentment.

The drawings are by MaryRuth C. Graham and the paintings by Residents of Adwaitha Hermitage as indicated. These drawings are elements of coloring books from Adwaitha Hermitage available for download here. The hymns and essays are by David R. Graham. The editorial assistance of Janice M. Hedin is remembered with special thanks.

Reminiscences from the North Sea is copyrighted by MaryRuth C. Graham and may not be republished for profit or sold in any way for any purpose. It is a gift freely given for the enjoyment and uplift of our brothers and sisters. Commercial interests are not welcome.

Reminiscences from the North Sea

01 - The Great Ones Take Birth in Unusual Circumstances. Great Personages and Avathars of the Lord cheer the universe in unique conditions and for ancient but fresh missions.

02 - Water Cleans, But the Hand of a Living Master is Primary. Baptism is common enough and little understood: both too little and too much are made of the rite. Here is some genuine indication.

03 - Jesus is Safe Company, She is the Consort. Jesus and Mary Magdalene: Red, White and Blue.

04 - Many Arms for Many Children. Children can see the Arms and know there's room for them in Jesus' lap.

05 - Jesus is Master of the Elements, Especially Water (Hunger). What is the meaning of His "walking on water?" Here's a little surprise.

06 - Discussion of Jesus as Ruler, Not Priest. His action cleansing the Temple shows Jesus is in the line of rulers, not in the line of priests.

07 - Story of a Donkey, Details of the Crown. The "Crown of Thorns" was a unique instrument of inducing happiness in torturers.

08 - The Sixth Gospel, and, Jesus Not Himself a Sacrifice. Jesus was not a sacrifice for anything or anyone. He was bound and had no choice. He sacrificed ego ... His own!

09 - Spiritual Morphology in Un Document Historique. An exposition of the structure of spiritual development, itemizing its stages and noting their natures.

10 - One Thing. There is one thing which, when known, all else is known. That one thing is "the pearl of great price." It is the Philosopher's Stone.

11 - Aetiology. The origins of Christian religion are in Tibet and India. The development of Christian religion is through Pythagorean Monasticism. These phenomena are extensively specified.

12 - On Sacraments and Authority. Faith is not what makes the Real Presence present. But it is what makes the Real Presence real. On His Own, God is Present. Faith does not determine this. If it did, we would be strapped to an entirely nominal world. But faith does determine whether God is real, whether He is subsumed in experience.

13 - Christology and Canon Formulation. The needs of piety drove the development of Christology and Christology drove the development of the Canon (Bible). How did this actually happen? Here are some answers.

14 - Theology of the Mass. The thing needing affirmation is the reality of Divine Omnipotence. The way to affirm this with respect to the Eucharist is not to say that the moral estate of the actors is inaffective -- we all know that it is very affective -- but to say that the Eucharist is bigger than the Mass. Instead of diminishing the importance of the moral realm, expand the importance of the spiritual. Instead of saying this doesn't matter, say, All Life is One and Holy.

15 - The Principle of Canonicity. The standard for the canonization of text is the philosophy of Non-Dualism (Adwaitha).

16 - Autobiography. ... But over, under, in, through, beyond and before all of this, there is the Presence of Swami Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He, alone, explains everything. Ultimately, nothing makes sense unless it starts and ends and consists of nothing more than He.

17 - On the Episcopacy. The church is the generalization of the episcopacy. The episcopacy is the distillation of apostolic authority. Apostolic authority is the operation (ontos) of apostolic nature, which is Christologic nature.

18 - On Ethics. Peace is often prayed for, as if it were something that can be given and received. But the truth is that not even God can give peace. Peace has to be earned through long, arduous labour.

19 - Hymns Great and Small. Here are new hymns for favorite Christian tunes, utilizing ecumenical settings, plus a most abbreviated Sanskrit Primer.

20 - Secularity and Catholicity. The secular is sacred, the sacred is secular. This is The New World Order.

21 - Letter to the Vestry. The three professions -- medical, legal, ecclesiastical -- exist to eliminate the need for their existence.

22 - Our System of Education. The system of education evolving in the United States comprises Ten Elements, of which this statement is a phenomenology.

23 - Reformation and the Clergy. The last Church Reformation was driven by Habakkuk 2:4. The present one is driven by Jeremiah 7:22-23.

24 - Restructure the Church. Duty is God. Work is worship. Restructuring the church to proclaim and to practice this identity is a task facing us.

25 - Watershed. The election of 1992/5753 contained a decision by the people of this country to reaffirm their heritage by disallowing the assertions of male chauvinism and lese-majeste, which are homosexual traits.

26 - Q U I N T I V I U M : The Integration of Inquiry. Behind any discussion of education reform is this matter of correcting the structure of the study of phenomena (curriculum) by reinstating its essence, which is Five-ness. Quintivium is the correct study of phenomena, reflecting accurate cosmology and ontology and being appropriate for all grades and manner of student.

27 - Observations of a Tortoise. Like Bede, I have pined for a mead of praise that will not pass with the breath that gives it.

28 - Apres Teilhard: La Messe Sur La Monde. A Mass reflecting clarifications induced by the introduction of fresh information and insight regarding the life of Jesus as the Christ. It may be read, also, in Latin, mille grazie to author Dianne Onstad.

29 - Scientists and the GUT. There is no continuum between science and religion.

30 - On Guilt. Guilt is a reflection of the conscience. It is not a complicated thing, and there is only one way to be rid of it.

31 - Faith and Pythmens. There is one Christian Faith. There are several Christian religions. There are many Christian churches.

32 - Albert Schweitzer. Schweitzer, Godel, and Teilhard demonstrated that the mainstream beliefs in the areas of human endeavor they addressed were not supported by the actual circumstances of those areas' origins.

33 - Jeremiah 7:22-23. God did not give any sacrificial ordinaries to this His people during the period when He is establishing the canonical relationship between Himself and them, during the Exodus.

34 - Listing of the Trinities. Variously named and always the same, The Holy Trinity (Trimurthi in Sanskrit) is primal principle (structure, cosmos) as well as primal operation (phenomenon, ontos).

35 - On the Siddhas. Any owner may renounce title to property they own outright. Viswamitra gave his siddhas back in Rama.

36 - Elements of Christian Theology. A composition doing for Christian Theology what Euclid did for Pythagorean Theology.



Phenomena to Study (U.S.A.)
Phenomena to Study (Poland)
Catechesis For The Sai Era